- Edit (TBD)
This route is a second pitch above either Benedictine Punk (5.7) or Innocent Victim (10a). A very nice route with quality rock. It starts with a step-over trough and heads up a knobby face (hardest move maybe 10a and mostly 5.9?). At about 2/3rds up the slab turns overhung and the difficulties begin. Challenging reaches between horizontal pockets may remind you of Toxic, although the pockets are much narrower. Just before the anchors, the crux hits with technical moves on small holds.
The second pitch above Benedictine Punk or Innocent Victim. Both these routes have the same start as Manic Nirvana (10c),which is in the 1992 Watt's guide. Benedictine Punk (5.7) is the left side route whereas Innocent Victim (10a) shares the first 3 bolts of Manic Nirvana before veering left and joining with Benedictine Punk. Manic Nirvana is the bolted route that veers out right above an overhang.
Bolts. Rap Anchor. 2 raps to the ground.