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Peak Mountain 3


FA Ted Waldor


This is a linkup of Eureka and Hard day, and by far the easiest route on the steep portion of the Orifice.

Climb Eureka up to just past the seventh bolt. From here (at the end of the left facing lie-back flake) you could clip the eighth bolt on Eureka. Don't. Instead, reach directly right to a jug, execute some fun, gymnastic moves, trending slightly down and to the right, until you reach the bolt that is level with you on Hard Day. Don't clip this bolt (rope drag). Clip the next bolt then finish in the chimney of Hard Day.

It might make sense to eventually get some new bolts in place to make this transition a bit cleaner. As it is there's a bit of a runout to the first bolt that should be clipped on Hard Day. That being said, I tested the fall and it's perfectly safe.

